Swimming Pool Opening

Prior to our arrival, customer must:
- Make equipment and pool accessible. It is not required that someone from your household be present during our appointments. If you are planning to be present for an appointment, DO NOT PLAN YOUR DAY AROUND THIS APPOINTMENT. All appointment dates and times are subject to change right up to the day of the service. For that reason, we do not confirm appointments. You are welcome to contact the office the day of the appointment to find out a rough idea of when your tech will arrive.
- Raise the water level 1/2 way up skimmer to operate. If you do not have enough water in the pool, we will not be able to perform the opening and a new appointment will have to be made. It could be a few weeks before we can get back to you, so PLEASE heed our advice on this step.
- If you have a solid, vinyl cover the bulk of the water on the cover should be pumped off prior to our arrival. We will only pump 1-2” as part of the opening. Note: Pools with Loop-Loc covers will be pumped down & a bulk vacuum performed at no charge.
- Make sure water is turned on and the electric breakers are on. We are not licensed electricians. If you are experiencing electrical issues, please consult an electrician prior to our visit. We cannot perform the opening if we do not have water and power.
Below are the services that you will be provided with during your pool opening visit:
Full Opening:
- Remove debris from cover; up to three 5 gallon buckets. If there is too much debris on your cover for the technicians to perform the opening, you will be charged at the service call rates plus time for us to clean off the cover and remove the debris. We will reschedule your opening for another date and you will be charged at the opening rates for that appointment.
- Pump residual water from cover, 1-2 in.
- Clean cover with a special deodorizer formulated for pool covers
- Fold cover and tubes (if applicable) for easy storage
- Install all pool apparatus (Diving board, hand rail, ladder, rope & floats etc.) if available at the opening. It is very common for the grommets to need replacing. We will try to remove them if possible. If not, we will flatten them down to prevent any injuries and we will replace them at another time or during your closing. It is also during this step that anchor issues may become evident. We will gladly repair anchors, but not during an opening. We will schedule a follow up visit to do those repairs. Anchor replacements will be performed at the service call rates plus materials.
- Reassemble filter, install elements or cartridges, add DE (with DE filters), add salt (with salt systems), prime and start systems. If ANY equipment does not operate, an additional service call may be needed. It is common for leaks to become evident after the opening. Rubber gaskets and plastic parts sitting idle for long periods of time can leak hours after we leave your property due to the high pressure that is suddenly running through those parts, requiring a 2nd visit. Repairs are NOT part of your opening and are billable at the service call rate plus time.
Note: * Chemicals, Salt, DE, or any other services are charged additionally* - Install automatic pool cleaner (when applicable)
- Light pool heater & test fire (when applicable) Note: If heater will not light an additional service will be required and reschedule at service call rate.
- Test water for Hardness, total Alkalinity, P.H. and Chlorine
- Perform initial balance pool for hardness, total Alkalinity, P.H. and Chlorine. The pool should be retested 1-2 weeks after the opening and is not part of the initial opening.*
- Bucket off debris from deck.
Partial Opening:
- Same as a full with the exception that the customer is responsible for taking off their cover and we do not vacuum.
Note: * Chemicals, Salt, DE, vacuuming or any other services are charged additionally*
Important Notes:
- Your pool opening fee is based upon ONE visit. Additional trips will be billed at the service call rates plus time.
- After this opening visit, your pool may still be cloudy, green, or unusable.
- We DO NOT guarantee that it will be ready to use AND additional trips may be required at the service charge rate plus time.
- For this reason, we DO NOT recommend you plan to allow anyone to go into the pool for up to two weeks after the opening of the pool.
- DON’T PLAN AN EVENT WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF YOUR OPENING! Example: don’t open your pool on a Monday and plan a party on Saturday. Open your pool at least two weeks prior to any holiday, birthday, or graduation events.
Swimming Pool Closings
After a season of swimming fun, closing your pool properly will make opening it much easier next season. Also, closing your pool correctly is essential to increasing life of your pool. Pool Pro can help you do it right.
Service we will provide:
Full Closing:
- Lower water level
- Fill water tubes (if applicable)
- Remove all pool apparatus (diving board, hand rail, ladder, rope & floats etc.,)
- Remove elements and clean (D.E. only)
- Winterize plumbing using a tow compressor capable of 100 CFM at 100 P.S.I. continuous allowing us to remove all water from the pluming lines.
- Install Cover (Vinyl or Loop-Loc) and tubes
- Chemicals will be added after the bulk of the water has been pumped from pool, thus assuring a higher concentration.*
- If main drain valve cannot hold an air lock, the plumbing will have to be cut to guarantee winterization. PLEASE NOTE: Valve replacement will be done in the Spring at an additional cost.
Partial Closing:
- Same as full with the exception of the customer will lower water level and put on cover.
NOTE: * Chemicals and extra service are an additional cost*
Pool Pro Guarantees all plumbing and equipment from freezing. We are not responsible for cracks in plumbing due to deck movement, etc. Frozen plumbing will shatter not crack.